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I was the quintessential horse crazy child. My passion for horses began at the age of three when my mother, a lifelong, devoted horsewoman, took me to the pony rides.  The shaggy, dwarfed creatures with the all knowing eyes and powerful spirits found their way into my heart. Obsession was sprung, and it knew no bounds.


My childhood and adolescence was fraught with abuse and trauma.  I learned early on that horses provided me with a sanctuary of trust, and understanding when I found myself lost or scared.  Horses did not judge, shame, or negotiate.  These majestic beings offered me the authentic acceptance and unconditional love that I had been denied. 


I spent nearly thirty years as a competitive equestrian.  In my twenties, I showed American Saddlebreds with my mother, both in California and in Kentucky.  I switched disciplines at the age of 40, and began riding show hunters/jumpers. The 12 remarkable horses who blessed me with World and National Championships, were my life, my persona, and priority.  I refused to allow finances, children, or my marriage interfere with my passion, as I traveled throughout the US, competing for over two decades. At the time, I believed as long as I was riding and showing, I could defuse any challenge, obstacle, or problem.  I believed the joy and happiness I derived from riding and showing had the power to negate anything and everything else in my life.  


In March of 2015, the universe stripped me of my lifeline.  I was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor.  Surgery saved my life but sidelined me from the sport I had built my life around.  I was forced to lease my beloved horse, knowing my rehabilitation would be lengthy and difficult.

In the months following my surgery, I wallowed in the loss of my identity, but swore I would regain my strength, and reclaim my life.  My horse was on a year lease but I convinced myself I would be ready by the time he came home.  Three months after surgery, my longing to return to the barn grew insistent.  I missed being with horses terribly yet I was shocked to learn I no longer felt the need to compete.


A life threatening experience offered me what I have called a “gift of manure.”  It allowed me to reconnect with my innate passion for horses.  Decades of competitive riding, the very sport I lived and claimed undying passion for, had made me lose sight of my true love.  I will forever love to ride but being in the presence of horses is what fuels my soul.


Horses have showered me with a lifetime of precious gifts.  They have been my greatest teachers and healers; offering unconditional acceptance, respect, and a safe haven when there was no other.  Sharing the healing power of horses with others is now my passion and impetus for creating THE EMPOWERED HERD.  I am a certified equine assisted coach and equine specialist (EAGALA.)  I have spent the last three years involved with two non profit equine assisted programs, as an equine specialist.  

Join me and my dream herd in the arena! Begin living the life you deserve!

Victoria Bleeden

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